UK Disability History Month

Posted on December 16, 2019 in News
UK Disability History Month logoUKDHM takes place each year between 22 November and 22 December, though many events and activities take place outside of this time slot. It is supported by more than 100 organisations, including the NUT. The period purposely covers World HIV/AIDS Day (1 December), International Day of People with Disabilities (3 Dec) and International Human Rights Day (10 December). It also follows on directly from Anti-Bullying Week.
The purpose of UK Disability History Month which began in 2010 is:
  • To raise awareness of the unequal position of disabled people in society and to advocate disability equality
  • To develop an understanding of the historical roots of this inequality
  • To highlight the significance of disabled people’s struggles for equality and inclusion and the ‘social model’ of disability
  • To publicise and argue for the full implementation of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of People with Disabilities and the Equalities Act (2010).
Disabled people don’t just identify as disabled, but also as women or men, girls or boys, straight or lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered, black or ethnic minorities, refugees and asylum seekers or religious minorities and of all classes in society. Throughout the Disability History Month it is important to recognise that disabled people have multiple identities, being members of other groups subjected to discriminatory practice and to ensure that the diverse nature of disabled people is recognised in terms of the range and type of impairment that are included. For example, neuro-diverse, mental health issues, learning difficulties, physical, invisible and sensory impairments.
The launch for UKDHM 2019 took place on 18 November at the National Education Union HQ, Mander Hall, London. Read more here.
There is a wealth of information on the UKDHM website including resources for use with classes in schools and colleges.