Transforming Lives Through Sport

Posted on July 14, 2015 in News
This month we’d like to introduce you to the charity WheelPower. WheelPower is the national organisation for wheelchair sport in the UK, and aims to help people with disabilities improve their quality of life through sport, and of course its also a great way of meeting new people! You might be more familiar with its previous name of the British Wheelchair Sports Foundation. Its based at Stoke Mandeville Stadium in Buckinghamshire, the home of the Paralympics.
This Summer, the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) and WheelPower with the other National Disability Sport Organisations (NDSOs) created a campaign to encourage more disabled people to get active. The campaign is not about forcing people into an extensive and exhaustive training programme, but to enjoy exercise whether it be indoors or outdoors and to give you information and choice. You can find out more on the ‘Active Summer Fun’ campaign via the WheelPower website here.
The website details many different events, competitions and fundraising that WheelPower offer including the likes of archery, athletics, cycling, shooting, table tennis and wheelchair basketball to name just a few.  Membership is FREE and you can sign up online here.  WheelPower are also active on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr!