NHS England is running a people’s experience survey to understand the progress of implementation of personal health budgets, integrated personal budgets and personal wheelchair budgets. Please help us promote this survey to as many budgets holders as possible so we can hear a wide range of views. It’s vitally important that we hear directly from budget holders, so we can prioritise our quality improvement work, and understand people’s experience of getting and having the budgets. The NHS England survey closes 14 May.
The survey is available online: www.myonlinesurvey.co.uk/PHWB19, and can be completed by budget holders, or their family or carers on their behalf.Budget holders can also phone the Quality Health FREEPHONE helpline number on 0800 783 1775 for more information, for helping completing the questionnaire – including organising a translation service – or to ask for a printed copy to be posted out for offline completion.What is the survey about?
The NHS Long Term Plan was published in January 2019 and includes a commitment to expand personal health budgets – including personal wheelchair budgets – so that 200,000 people can benefit by 2023/24. As numbers increase, it is important for you and other budget holders to be able to openly share your experience of having a personal health budget, integrated personal budget or personal wheelchair budget – from your first conversation, to the ongoing care and support being provided. NHS England will use the survey findings to understand progress, and to prioritise their work to support local and national quality improvement.
Who is the survey for?
All personal health budget, integrated personal budget and personal wheelchair budget holders, whether current or historical, are invited to share their feedback about their experiences. NHS England would also like to hear from budget holders who filled in the survey last year. Relatives, carers or friends can fill in the questionnaire on your behalf.
How much of my time will be involved?
The questionnaire should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Who is involved in this survey?
This survey is being funded by NHS England, who have commissioned Quality Health to carry out the work. Quality Health has over 30 years’ experience in the NHS of managing staff, patient and service user surveys as well as the necessary data protection and data security accreditations for this work.
Do I have to take part in this survey?
No, taking part is entirely voluntary. If you do not wish to take part, you do not have to give a reason and you will not be asked again. Similarly, if you do agree to take part you are free to change your mind at any time until you have completed and submitted the survey. It will have no effect on the service you receive.
How is the information used?
Quality Health publishes the results, and NHS England uses them to improve personal health budgets. Last year, this work included looking into a range of ways to make information better, exploring the challenges of employing personal assistants and helping commissioners to improve personal health budgets for NHS Continuing Healthcare.
How to access the questionnaire
The questionnaire is available for online completion here:
You can find out more details on how your information is used, and confidentiality, on this page.
To speak to someone about the survey
If you have any queries about the questionnaire or about how your information may be used, or if you require help completing the questionnaire, please call the FREEPHONE helpline number on 0800 783 1775. A translation service is also available if required.