Getting The Most From Your PA Pool Membership
Posted on February 7, 2024 in News
We’ve put together these useful tips to help you get the most from your membership with PA Pool:
Profile - Make sure your profile is 100% complete and as comprehensive as possible to optimise your opportunity to find work or to find a PA/Carer who can meet your needs. Remember to include the shift details you require, or your profile won't appear in the search results. Also, please don’t add private contact details to your profile information! For security reasons, all initial contact with members must be conducted via the website email.
People buy people - Add a photo to your profile if you have one! People like to put a face to a name, and it helps to attract enquiries.
Search results - Log onto PA Pool regularly when you’re looking, then your profile will always appear among the first in search results.
Be courteous - Always reply to messages received, even if it’s a no! You can use the auto-reply form to make it easier.
Status - If you’re ‘sorted’ do amend your status so that other members know, then you shouldn't receive email enquiries, which can become annoying after a time. To change your status, click on the "Change Status" on your “My PA Pool” homepage.
Recommendations - Recommend good people you’ve worked with by giving them a recommendation star!
Correct details - Do check your email address is correct. If it’s not you won’t receive those all-important email notifications or be alerted when someone has sent you a new message on PA Pool!
Correct postcode – Do check that you’ve entered your postcode correctly as without it your location will not be visible which will reduce your chances of finding work or a PA/Carer.
Keep in touch - Do join in the chat and share your ideas and best practices, we want to build PA Pool as a community! You can contact us via our Facebook Group page, Instagram, Twitter or Threads.
If you’ve got anything to add to these, we’d love to hear from you. Just drop us an email to and remember to include your username.
And finally, good luck!