The Independent Living Fund has launched a new magazine for over 21,000 disabled people as part of its 21st anniversary celebrations.
The new magazine, ‘Living’ , has been specially designed to be a practical and interesting lifestyle/feature-based publication containing ILF news, information, inspiring user stories and practical advice. Katy Etherington founder and director of PA Pool is proud to be featured on the centre spread of this first edition!
ILF Chief Executive, Patrick Boyle, said, “We pride ourselves on our ongoing relationships with our users through consultation, co-production and providing clear accessible information. Living magazine is another excellent tool to help us do this.
Our users have been involved in the creation of from the very start, so it's a real example of our users views informing what we do.
We want ILF users to take ownership of and think it can help empower them to make the best possible use of the support that is available to live truly independent lives.”
‘Living’ was launched at the ILF annual conference on 12 October 2009, which this year carried a theme of 21 years of making choice real for disabled people. This first special edition features 21 voices of ILF users, carers and its staff giving real life perspectives on the significant contribution the organisation has made over the last two decades. For more information about ‘Living’ please contact David Smith on 07779 083493. Or if you would like to find out more about the ILF or download a digital copy of the magazine visit